Field Trips With a side of STEM


Our field trips are an opportunity for students to get outdoors and also apply science in fun and novel ways!


OTB LABS FIELD TRIPS are OUTDOOR field trips with applied science

Schools provide the transportation, we provide the rest. All field trips include workshop lessons, materials, lead instructors, and applicable permits and reservations.


Winter Favorite:


Each winter (typically between December and February) we partner with Allegheny County Parks to offer schools and other organizations the opportunity to book our SCIENCE ON ICE trip. *Typically up to total group of 75 students

Students arrive at North Park skating rink where they rotate through several interactive workshops involving obstacles skate, radar puck shooting, and hovercraft racing.


1.) Science on Ice

  • Ice Skating, Puck Shooting, & Curling

    Available December-Early March

2.) Winter Wonderland Tubing Adventure

  • Snow Tubing, Crystal Making, Hovercraft Racing

    Available December-Early March (Partly weather dependent on snow/hill conditions)

3.) Creek bed/waterfall Hiking and Fossil Hunt

  • Plan to get wet in this creek hike to a waterfall and then search for fossils in local shale rock

    Available LATE spring as a great end of year trip

4.) Outdoor Survival Science

  • Outdoor rotational workshops such as shelter building, fishing, fire starting, water purification, & more.

    Available fall & spring

5.) Leaf/Tree ID & Waterfall Hike at Hell’s Hollow

  • Students ID & create leaf books and hike trail with waterfalls

    Available early Fall & Late Spring, Ideal mid-late fall for best fall foliage

Plan to book AT LEAST a couple of months prior to trip to ensure you can reserve desired date as availability for these seasonal trips is limited.